One of the consequences of all this rain was that my outside bins were quite soggy. I cover the bins with plastic to keep the water from dripping into them but I didn't consider that my yard would actually flood and they would get soaked from underneath.
I got the bins put up on bricks so they would drip dry but even when the dripping stopped the castings were still like mud. I have several Rubbermaid bins that hold a lot of water and usually I just add more dry bedding, like shredded newspaper or tore up egg cartons, to soak up the excess moisture. This works as long as I am not looking to harvest the castings.
What I did was line a mason tray with two egg flats and pile the soggy castings on top of them. I alternated a layers of egg flats and castings till I filled the mason tray. I let it sit there for two days then I transferred the castings into another tray with more dry egg flats. I tore up the soggy egg flats and used them as bedding for a new bin.
The process took a total of four days and after the second time using dry cartons the castings were dry enough to manipulate. I was able to proceed with my normal process of light sorting the worms and then sifting the castings through a 1/4 inch sifter.
If you are ready to harvest your worm bin and the castings are too wet to work with, this process should help get them to a moist but not muddy point so you can to use them more easily.