Materials needed:
• Drill
• 1/4 Drill Bit (or similar)
• Gorilla Tape (Not Duct Tape)
• Rubbing Alcohol
• Weed Block Filter Barrier
• Two 14 Gallon Dark Plastic Storage Bins (We use the Rubbermaid Roughneck)
Step#1 - Prepare the Bottom Bin
• Choose one of the bins to be the bottom and drill two parallel sets of holes. Measure from the bottom of the bin 2” and drill the 1st row of holes.
• Then drill the next row ½ inch above the 1st row. Repeat on the other side. (No filter barrier is needed on this bin.)
• The bottom bin is done.
Step #2 - Ready the Top Bin
• On the base of the bin drill holes all over the bottom to ensure good drainage. Space evenly about 1 inch apart. You can also place holes down the center (not shown but it is a good idea.
• Take one of the lids drill 2 rows of holes around the lid. Space them evenly about ½ inch to ¾ inch apart.
Step #3 - Filter Paper on the Inside
• Measure and cut filter barrier to cover
• Wipe areas that you will be adhering tape and filter barrier to with rubbing alcohol.
• Secure the barrier with gorilla tape or water resistant tape to finish the bin.
• Repeat this same process for the lid.
Step #4 - Stack the Bins
• Take the bin marked bottom and place 2 bricks or blocks of wood in the bottom of the bin.
• Take the other bin that has the filter barrier placed over the hole & set it inside the bottom bin.
• You are now ready to prepare you bins for your worms.
Now it is time to prepare the bedding for your worms.
Step #1 - Worm Bin Lasagna
• When your bin is built you will make alternating layers of 1 to 2-inches moistened bedding (cut up card board, shredded newspaper, shredded bills, ripped up toilet paper rolls or paper egg cartons) then a thin layer of kitchen scraps.
• It is good to sprinkle one tablespoon of soil from your yard in one of the food layers to add some microbes and add a little grit for the worms.
• Make about three alternating layers so you have about 4 to 6 inches material in the bottom of the bin.
• Cover the top layer of food waste with about 4 inches of shredded moistened newspaper.
Step #2 - Wait, Wait, Wait
• Once this is all together put the lid on the bin and let it sit for 3 to 5 days. You could add worms right away but it goes a long way to improving the composting process if you can let it sit for a few days before adding worms. When the worms arrive there will be lots of food ready to eat. They will feel so at home it will be like putting mints on their pillows.
Step #4 - Tossing the Worm Bedding Salad
• When you open the bin after it has sit, it will stink and there may be some mold. This is exactly what you want to happen.
• Take off the top layer of newspaper and mix up the layers below and probably add more water so it will be moist like a wrung out sponge.
Step #5 - Ready set Worms!
• Now you are ready for worms. Go to the Worm Fancy products page and order your worms, send us an email ( or give us a call at 916-560-8023 to get a pound of worms.
• You will put the worms on the mixed up layer of bedding and food.
• They will probably be in a clump so gently pull them apart into smaller clumps.
Step #6 - Give 'em the Light Treatment
• The worms will move away from light so keep a light (NOT direct sunlight) on them till they disappear into the mix . Either do this step outside or under an overhead light.
• Leave them in the light for at least an hour to make sure there is no confusion where home is.
• Return all the moistened shredded newspaper on top of the worm bedding, replace the lid and you are done.
Please remember the worms will be adjusting to the new environment for a few days and you just provided them with lots of yummy food so you don't need to feed them right away. After they have adjusted for approximately 3 days you can start feeding them every other day or every 3 days. Watch the amount of food you add, it is way easier to overfeed than underfeed. If what you have added previously has not been mostly eaten, wait a day or so to feed again. Your worm population will grow to accommodate the food supply so be patient and eventually they will keep up with the kitchen scraps like champs.